Add Locations

Locations represent where the coffee is physically located. This can be at a farm, mill, warehouse, or in container. Locations can be divided into spaces if there is further lot segmentation. 

  1. On the homepage navigate to Inventory from the left panel
  2.  On the top menu select Location tab, found on the top right
  3. Then Press +Add location purple button on the top right corner, choose “category” from the dropdown menu (whether Location or Transportation), input location name and choose the “location type” from the dropdown menu (whether Farm, Mill, or Warehouse)
    a. Add spaces within the location if the area is further divided into rows or sections by going back to the Locations tab. Click on the lot then press add spaces purple button on the top right corner.
    b. Input the space name and click “Create”. Added space will now be reflected on the right side of the page
  4. If you collect coffee from farmers, register your farming regions as a “location” (zone or woreda) and the specific area as a “space” (kebele).
  5. Coffee inventory in and out will automatically be indicated by your stock levels.

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