Adding full sample analysis

Including sensory and physical analysis

Adding the sample analysis helps to track quality across the supply chain and offers a way to communicate the coffee quality when you’re ready to sell to the market. 

1. On the left panel of the landing page navigate to Samples

2. Click on “Add Sample” from the top right side of the screen

3. Add the sample info on the pop up page, link the sample to the lot in your inventory,  and click on “Save” at the bottom

4. Navigate to “Add Analysis” on the sample that is saved.

5. On the right side of the page there is an “add” button where you will be able to add the grade of your sample and full analysis (Physical and Sensory Analysis).

6. You can view the analysis results from the Samples section or directly from the Lot details page.

7. You can reference a coffee’s sample analysis on a coffee listing in the marketplace after it is linked to the lot.

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